craftmans Japan

藍染の歴史は古く、エジプトのテーベ遺跡で発掘された紀元前2000年頃のミイラに、藍で染めた麻布が巻かれていました。その後 藍染はインド・中国へと広がり飛鳥時代に中国から日本に伝来したと言われています。室町時代には、現在の手法の原型が確立されたと言われ、以降日本独自の藍染の技術が受け継がれています。明治八年に訪れた科学者 アトキンソンは日本中に青い服で溢れていることに驚き、藍の色を「藍・JAPAN BLUE」と名付けました。
History of indigo dyeing
It is said that indigo dye is the most used plant dye in the world.
The history of indigo dyeing is long, and the mummy of around 2000 BC excavated at the Thebes site in Egypt was wrapped in indigo-dyed linen. After that, indigo dyeing spread to India and China, and it is said that it was introduced to Japan from China during the Asuka period. In the Muromachi period, it is said that the prototype of the current method was established, and since then, Japan's unique indigo dyeing technology has been handed down. The scientist Atkinson, who visited japan in 1868, was surprised that it was filled with blue clothes all over Japan, andhe named the color of the rose"JAPAN BLUE".
What is Nishijin Ori?
This is a general term for the pre-dyed fabrics of Kyoto. When the Onin War, which became a battle to divide our country during the Muromachi period, ended, the textile was resumed around the area where the base of the Western Army had been placed. The history of the textile itself is much older, but from this time on, it came to be called "Nishijin" because it was the site of the west base.
The Nishijin brand became a large number of Ashikaga family officials by the artisans of the group "Osha-jinza" who produced textiles in Nishijin in the 1500s. They achieve various developments Many varieties are still made as high-grade silk fabrics in the center of Kyoto.
細かい模様を白抜きし単色で染める日本の型染の一つ。江戸時代の武士の裃 (かみしも) に用いられて発達し,羽織,着尺などにも使用されるようになったが,明治以降,婦人着尺に細かい模様で多色の型友禅が現れ,これも小紋と呼ぶようになったため,本来の小紋と区別する法として江戸小紋の名が使われた。
It is one of the japanese pattern dyed to dye a fine pattern with a single color by removing white. It was used for the samurai's kimono (kamishi also) in the Edo period and developed, and after the Meiji era, a multi-colored pattern yuzen appeared in a fine pattern on the women's clothing scale, and this was also called a small crest, so the name of edo komon was used as a method to distinguish it from the original crest.
Oshima Tsumugi is a fabric made as a traditional craft of amami island (mainly Amami Oshima) in the southern part of Kagoshima Prefecture. It refers to a plain woven silk cloth woven hand-woven with mud-dyed silk spun by hand, or a Japanese dress sewn with silk cloth. The common name and abbreviation is Oshima. Because iron is soaked, it is hard to wear out or eat insects, and it can be used for a long time until the generation of sun children. The beauty of the delicate eclectic pattern based on a unique black-brown color is also evaluated, and it is known as a luxury item among the silk textiles of Japan. It is cheap, and the highest quality is several million yen. In modern times, the variety of color and patterns such as "Shikioshima" and "Shiraoshima" is progressing.